FMPSD is providing updates via their website as they are available. This includes information from the Government of Alberta and information pertinent to students, staff and parents. As well, monitor your FMPSD email for updates. Please be patient, information will be shared when it’s available. We caution you to rely on credible sources for information – don’t get caught up …
CUPE Alberta Convention Postponed
March 12, 2020 For immediate release CUPE Alberta to postpone convention EDMONTON – After reviewing recommendations from public health and government officials, the executive of CUPE Alberta decided late Thursday evening to postpone their annual convention. The convention had been scheduled to take place next week in Fort McMurray. CUPE Alberta President Rory Gill said the decision was made to …
To show support for Public Education please wear red on Fridays. #redfored
March General Membership Meeting
Our March General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 10th, 2020. The meeting will be held in the Composite High conference room at 5:00 pm. A light supper will be served. We hope to see you there!
February Membership Meeting
Our February Membership Meeting will be held at Thickwood Heights School on February 11th at 5:00 pm. A light supper will be served. See you there!
January 2020 General Membership Meeting
Welcome to a brand new decade! Our first General Membership Meeting for 2020 will be as follows: Tuesday, January 14th Composite Board Room 5:00 pm We hope to see you then.
Season’s Greetings
Merry Christmas to our members, their families and to all our brothers and sisters across the great nation we call home! Enjoy all the festive season has to offer.
2019-2020 Scholarship News
Congratulations to the 2019-2020 CUPE 2545 Scholarship Recipients, Kaylin Johnson, Hailey Chisholm and Alycia Manuel . A special honour goes to Alycia for being selected as the first ever recipient of the Lorna Tollman Memorial Scholarship. Good Luck to you all with your studies.
Website Refresh
We are currently working on updating the CUPE 2545 Website. Some changes have been made and there are more to come. Stay Tuned!
November Membership Meeting
Please join us at Comp in the conference room on November 5th, 2019 at 5:00 pm for our November Membership Meeting. Due to scheduling conflicts we are holding this meeting one week early.